Day of Surgery

Please follow these important instructions:

  • Please take the following medications the morning of surgery with small sips of water:

    • Blood pressure medications

    • Seizure medication

    • Asthma/COPD/emphysema medications

    • Heart medication

  • Do not take insulin or any other medications unless instructed by your surgeon.

  • Remove all make-up, body piercings, nail polish and jewelry prior to arrival.

  • If you wear contact lenses, wear your glasses instead.

  • Wear loose, comfortable clothes and shoes. Sleeves and pant legs should be loose enough to fit over bandages. If you are having shoulder surgery, please wear an over-sized button front shirt.

  • Bring any paperwork that has not already been submitted.

  • If you have granted Power of Attorney to another person, you must provide the document and have that person present to sign your consent for surgery.

Upon arrival at the surgery center, check-in at the front desk. Patients (or parent if patient is a minor) will be asked to provide their insurance card and be required to complete day of surgery paperwork. Patients will be offered Ireland Grove’s Patients Bill of Rights and Privacy Policy. Female patients of menstruating age may be required to give a urine sample during the admission process.

Several different surgeons may be performing cases on the same day. Patients will be admitted based on their scheduled procedure time rather than first to arrive.

A nurse will escort the patient (and parent if a minor) to the admitting area. The patient will be asked to change into a gown and their personal belongings will be placed in a bag for storage. The anesthesiologist will visit and discuss anesthesia care prior to your procedure. Once the nurse has completed the admitting process, the patient may have one (1) adult visitor until the patient is taken to the operating room. Visitors will then be required to return to the waiting room.

Once the procedure is complete, the surgeon will come to the waiting room, ask the family to join him/her in the conference room, and inform them of the details of the procedure. The patient will be moved to the recovery area where a nurse will monitor them frequently until they are ready to be discharged. Patients may have one (1) adult visitors after the initial recovery stage is complete. A nurse will explain all post-operative instructions to the responsible adult prior to discharge and provide written copies of the discharge instructions. The responsible adult will be required to sign the patient out.